I AM podcast

I AM podcast

I AM podcast

This podcast is designed specifically for women and to build a bridge between the listener and the speaker. I want to bring here fabulous women that are already changing their inner world and their communities, but they are still in the process, they haven't reach the "finish line" yet, if there is one anyway. Regular women, full of wisdom, power, light and divine guidance, just like YOU!

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In this episode we are bringing awareness to eating disorders and over exercising routines. This seems a problem connected only with body image and body acceptance but it goes way deeper than that. It is connected to your self-esteem and your sense of worthiness in the world, so in order to heal we need to go deep into our core belief system. Kristy went through these destructive patters and now uses her experience and knowledge to prevent our youth from going the same road. She is a body image movement ambassador and uses her yoga and movement methodology, Emergent Movement, to overcome these problems and trigger in people the freedom of moving for joy! Find Kristy here: https://www.kristypisani.com/ IG - kristy_pisani

Previous episodes

  • 7 - From eating disorder to self love with Kristy Pisani - ep.07 I AM podcast 
    Sat, 17 Nov 2018
  • 6 - Aligning with the cycles of nature and Ayurveda knowledge with Bridget Smith - ep.06 I AM podcast 
    Sat, 17 Nov 2018
  • 5 - Sacred feminine and unblocking your relationship with money with Joni Maher - ep.05 I AM podcast 
    Sat, 17 Nov 2018
  • 4 - Finding your voice with Caneisha Berry - ep.04 I AM podcast 
    Sat, 17 Nov 2018
  • 3 - De mentalidade de escassez a abundânica com Dina Fonseca - ep.03 I AM podcast 
    Sat, 17 Nov 2018
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